Our professional drainage team has been offering landscape drainage solutions to the Cleveland area since 1996.
Are you frustrated by an unstoppable water problem destroying your beautiful landscaping or entering your basement or crawl space damaging personal property?
If so, you need the yard drainage solutions from the expert team at USA Waterproofing. We can divert water away from your home and yard to avoid any further water damage to your property.
Yard Drainage Solutions:
Yard drainage systems such as French drains capture the water before it gets to your foundation. Water coming from a higher elevation on your property will flow toward your home during heavy rains and when snow melts. Installing a French drain will intercept this water and divert it to an area away from your home. French drains can also be installed in an area that water pools in order to drain the water. New downspout lines can also be installed to drain roof water away from your foundation. Old downspouts can crack, separate and fill with debris such as; leaves, soil and tree roots. These downspout lines can be snaked (cleaned) out in some cases, but generally need to be replaced in pvc to prevent reoccurring blockage.